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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 8:26:17 GMT

It had been a whole year since the dreaded Kyurem attack on what is now known as the Silent Icelands. A monumental shift in the paradigm of the Hoenn region had resulted. Not that Yannick had caught sight of those days. He had been tucked up safe in his high street apartment in Slateport. Well, as safe as you could be in modern-day Hoenn. There he waited out the storm, only to scurry from under his rock once it had passed, daring to attempt a return to normal life.

See, Yannick Solette was one of the small people. The type that lacked the will as well as the power to affect any sort of change on the interdimensional-legendary-disaster threats that they faced. So he did what he could, and not a fraction more.

However, the man he would be meeting today was nothing but a small person. Yannick was here to listen to the tale of the 99943 Meteno event. Yannick had travelled out to Oldae Town, the settlement adjacent to the frigid wasteland for the first time since the event. Not only that, he had brought a camera crew. He intended to document the story for his own use.

The adept prospectors of the Bijoux Solette Company had found something below the ice. Yannick’s sharp business mind sensed an opportunity. But more about that later…

For now, he needed a reason for his company to be here. Hearing about the plight of the heroes who braved the storm when he could not, might just yield the window of opportunity he was looking for.

Yannick and his team of three were posted up at the back of the Mead and Meadow Pub. They had hired out a large booth area where they could be private and yet still capture the essence of the town watering hole. Here they waited for their guest of honour.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 8:52:04 GMT
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It had been a long time since and her ultrafast Patron had saved the region from being obliterated by the meteoroid, yet there were plenty of reporters, independent historians, and others still wanting to talk to League officials about it. The ones targeted most were those who had high profiles and were present on that horrible day. Perhaps the most accessible of them was , Mauville's Gym Leader and a racing celebrity that was perhaps a bit too eager to speak to the press.

Stepping out of the Mead and Meadow after having lunch there, Josh clicked one of the Poké Balls on his belt open, from it emerging a Ninetales that stood a little taller than the man himself. A saddle and bridle adorned the fire-type fox, the Leader quick to take a seat on the Pokémon's back. He was about to take off for Littleroot when he remembered he had an interview to go to. Coaxing his vulpine steed to turn around, the duo made their way to the large booth. "Sorry I'm a little late - wanted to catch the end of the Veilstone-Lilycove game. It's important for the playoff race," the Leader apologized as his Ninetales, Mystic, tilted his head toward Yannick and any Pokémon that may have been at their side.

{WC: 218}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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People, Big and Small [m]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2023 9:32:26 GMT
“Ah Mister Devlin. Thank you so much for meeting me out here. I hope I am not taking too much time out of your schedule.”

Yannick had stood to greet the Mauville Gym Leader with a smile and an outstretched hand. His eye contact was intense but not challenging. Beside Josh was an impressively majestic fox with nine bushy yellow tails. You could tell the assuredness of the pokemon as it clung to it’s master’s side. Yannick found himself wondering whether this had been one of the beasts that had braved the cold on that day.

“Don’t worry, we were still setting up. How did the game go? Would I be right in assuming that you are a supporter of the Mauville team? Though I profess I don’t know much of anything about sports.” Yannick wove chuckles into his small talk and punctuated each sentence with a wave of his hand. He could do this sort of dance all day, after all, leaving a good impression on people of importance was what he was raised to do.

“Oh by the way, this is Hammond, my assistant, and this is Grace the producer and Kazoom who will be operating the camera.” Yannick first pointed to a gaunt man who had been keeping a shrewd gaze on the meeting while keeping to the back of the booth. Second, he gestured to a woman with a tablet computer in one hand and a clip-on microphone in another. Kazoom was in fact a rotom who had inhabited a camera and patiently floated behind them.

“Hi there! It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m a big fan of your racing, I managed to catch a few events in person.” Grace stepped forward and gestured with the microphone. “Let me get you mic’ed up and then we can begin.” If he would allow, Grace would attach the microphone to Josh’s clothes.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Nov 23, 2023 21:10:14 GMT
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Josh semi-awkwardly leaned down, Mystic nearly stepping on Yannick's foot to get the fox's rider close enough to accept the handshake. Neither seemed to mind the cold, the fire-type functioning as a living space heater. "Veilstone couldn't convert on a 4th-and-2, then Lilycove took a knee a bunch of times to end the game. It was a close one, though! All Veilstone needed was two more first downs to get into field goal range."

When asked if he was a Mauville football fan, Josh guffawed. "Mauville hasn't had a football team in a while," he answered a bit more loudly than he wanted to. "They just don't have the talent to compete with the current PFL teams, and it's been harder to maintain one of the 32 slots in the league since the barrier dropped about a year ago."

Yannick's crew seemed excited to meet Josh, particularly Grace. "Thanks," the Gym Leader replied. "Most of my racing these days is done at my Gym, taking challengers. Between Ranger duties and that, I just can't grind the Silph Cup like I used to. I'll still race in both the majors in Hoenn, but I just can't make it to one big race a week like I did before taking up the mantle." The Gym Leader would, of course, have no objections to being mic'ed up. This was the same old song and dance for him. "I would like to stay on Mystic's back for the interview. If that's not feasible, then I understand."

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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People, Big and Small [m]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2023 23:03:55 GMT

Yannick nodded and smiled at each fact about the game that he knew nothing about. “Yes, I can see why it would be hard to focus on sports with so much going on. I will say though, if it’s something that people care about deeply then it’s worth doing. Something to celebrate is always welcome.” In truth, Yannick found it a bit hard to see the appeal of sport during times like these. But compared to the strange ways some people coped, this had to be one of the least malicious for sure.

“A that’s a shame. Someday I would love to watch you again!” Grace responded while pinning the mic to Josh.

A few excess bats of the woman’s eyelashes did not go unnoticed by Yannick. “Forgive Grace’s friendliness.” He said with a sigh. The orange floating camera snickered in the background.

“Yes, let's have the interview like this then. Kazoom, make sure to be at his eye level.” Grace continued, ignoring her associates. “We are ready whenever you are.”

“Okay, let’s do it.”

“Rolling in three, two, one.” Kazoom lit up, the machinery inside shifting into motion. The lenses would capture both Josh upon his glorious mount, with Yannick below him.

“Let’s start at the beginning. How did you first become aware of the Meteno event?”

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2023 12:47:58 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Celebration was very important even in times or war. Morale was important to keep high, and having a thriving sports scene gave Hoenn's brave soldiers, generals, Gym Leaders, and higher-ups something to look forward to when they returned from the line of duty. It was just as important of a job as defending Hoenn in the first place. After all, what good would defending Hoenn be if those fighting the war didn't have a home to return to?

Clearing his throat, Josh prepared for the camera to roll, Mystic fanning her tails. "Directly. It affected all of us. When the Meteno event happened, an invisible barrier trapped everyone in Hoenn from last July until the day the meteor was destroyed. I had originally planned on only vacationing to Hoenn for two weeks. The barrier went up the day after I arrived." Mystic looked attentive, never having heard the story before. Josh had captured the Ninetales long after the apocalypse had passed.

The Gym Leader had to be careful about what he disclosed; even a year later, there were still many details about Meteno that the League forbade him to discuss, including what he knew when. Even now, Rocket could use such details to compromise the League's ability to respond to emergencies without being sabotaged. "There's only so much I can say about how I personally learned about it, being a Gym Leader. NDA and all."

{WC: 235}
{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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People, Big and Small [m]
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2023 8:33:32 GMT

“Wow, what a welcome.”

Josh described how he had only recently come to the island before the events unfolded.

“It must have left quite the impression. Did it make you think that maybe it was a mistake to come to Hoenn? Not exactly the holiday that you had planned to have I bet.”

Many had left the region while they could. They were probably the smart ones, to be honest. This place had become the epicentre of all sorts of strange and dangerous happenings. As you could imagine, people did what they could to avoid being caught up in the devastation. But here was someone who had not even planned to stay here for long, but had instead decided to take permanent residence here after what would prove to be an incredible experience. Yannick wanted to ask more about this but he thought it best to follow the chronology a bit closer.

“Of course, you don’t have to say anything you don’t want to say.”

This wasn’t an interrogation or investigation, he wanted to make that clear. He wasn’t like the nosey reporters who would be sticking their noses into anywhere they didn’t belong. Instead, he wanted to capture the feeling of shock or confusion that the witnesses must have felt in those first moments.

“Can you instead tell me about how it all started in a general sense? How did the people of Hoenn find out and what was the experience of their first moments? You spoke of a barrier, anything you can tell me about this?”

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
People, Big and Small [m]
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2023 4:33:13 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The horrible memories of being separated from his family came rushing right back to Josh. He couldn't even tell them that he wouldn't be coming back until after the League figured out how to communicate through it to the outside world. "It did. Like I said, I had planned on staying for a couple weeks, but it wound up being a few months. And by the time it went down, I had already been a Gym Leader for over two months. I was committed to life here by then."

It wasn't that Josh didn't want to talk about some of the inner details about Meteno. He felt it was wrong of the League to keep things under wraps so long after the event. Perhaps there were operation details that jeopardized military secrets and couldn't be released as they were. A written report with redactions might be more of what was looking for.

The Gym Leader took a deep breath, Mystic shifting about to try to relieve Josh of some anxiety of recounting his awful memories of last year's seemingly annual apocalypse. It had been over a year since the last world-ending event. They were overdue for one.

"Right, the barrier. A day after I arrived in Hoenn, an invisible, bottle-shaped barrier made travel in and out of the entire region impossible. Material, ethereal, astral. It was impossible to leave or enter Hoenn. The first public statement about it was in late July if my memory serves correctly. People started living like it was the end of the world after it happened. And it wasn't just the barrier. It was the meteor, too. Remember in school how they taught you about the asteroid that wiped out all the fossil Pokémon? It was almost that big."

{WC: 296}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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People, Big and Small [m]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 7:04:42 GMT

The memories were coming back from those times while Josh recounted the past. To be honest, he had tried to block out as much of the goings-on as possible. After all, what could he possibly do? Being trapped on the island with everyone else. It was funny, he hadn’t thought of leaving before but as soon as the choice was taken away from him, suddenly it was all he could think about.

Instead, he did what he did best. Work, work and work some more. Not that many of his employees had the same idea. Yannick would turn up to boardroom meetings with all the chairs empty. He raised the issues, took the minutes and assigned himself action items. Busy hands and a busy brain got him through the day.

The last thing he wanted to do was go home to Kou. The frustration with not being able to fix anything was immeasurable. She would be curled up in bed, panic-stricken. He could hold her, but that wasn’t going to change their fate. So he turned a blind eye to her. Being reminded of that time by the gym leader would make him reflect on that. Would he really have been okay with spending his last days like this? What did this say about him as a person? Mostly it just made him regret not being where he should have been.

Grace nudged him. That’s right, there was an interview to conduct. Kazoom’s lenses focussed on a close-up shot of Josh.

“A new gym leader in a foreign and now threatening land. I can imagine that people would turn to you in such a time like this. What was running through your mind when this all began? The weight of responsibility, it must have been quite a burden.” Unlike himself, maybe the gym leader was in a position to do something. No, more than that, people would expect something from him. This was an opportunity to see the event through his eyes

“I remember the panic. An existential dread had captured the public psyche. You say people started living like the end of the world, was there anything specific that you saw people do or experience that showed you just how desperate they were?” Yannick was fishing for the personal touch, something that would connect to people’s hearts. The larger picture was needed to capture the gravity, but humans would only be able to empathise on an individual level.

“To be honest, I tried to stay away from the news as much as possible. Could you tell me more about the meteor?”

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 21:32:51 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The question triggered one giant flashback to the day Josh defended the shrine of the Johto Beast from would-be robbers thanks to help from then-Council . "It still is. And it was all a freak accident," the Gym Leader answered. "You see, I had applied for a Minor League Gym in the weeks leading to that. She convinced me to go down the path of a Ranger. I got approved for both at the same time. After two months, the League asked me if I wanted to fill in for , who stepped down from Mauville Gym last September. I've been there since."

The weight of responsibility didn't truly hit Josh until after he received the defense plans to prevent Meteno from crashing into Hoenn. "I thought Gym Leaders were responsible for things like assisting the city mayor and taking challenges. There's so much more to it than that, but I've been able to handle it... barely." There was also having to answer to some of the highest government officials in the land, including one he did not get along with.

The months, weeks, and days leading up to the projected impact were lavish, no one expecting to live past the impact date of November 18, 2022. "People took all their vacation days from work. Lavishly spent money they couldn't afford to in anticipation of the end of the world. Even Hoenn itself put on a celebration called Splashfest. Had live music, a surfing contest, and many other things to get the meteor off everyone's minds. I learned how to ride a Mantine then. The whole situation was awful. People put themselves into financial ruin because they thought everyone in Hoenn was dying that day."

It was a minor miracle none of Josh's Pokémon died the day and her Patron destroyed the meteor. The lives of his Absol, Skarmory, and Espeon flashed before their eyes that day. "Now I can't be entirely forthcoming, as not everything about Meteno has been declassified yet. I just want you to be aware I won't be able to answer all your questions."

{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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People, Big and Small [m]
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2023 1:24:27 GMT
Yannick couldn’t imagine what it was like to be a gym leader during that time. Gym leaders were pillars of the community, symbols of order and power who protected the people from the greatest threats. This was something that no person could conceivably deal with. Having that weight of responsibility with no answers available must have been tough.

A party for the end of the world. This is what he was describing. Definitely something Yannick wouldn’t be able to face. He would prefer a dingy room with the curtain pulled down any apocalypse of the week. “It says something about the human spirit, doesn’t it. When faced with certain death, we look to live as much as we can with what time we have left. It’s a reminder that even though we have made it through, we should not forget that our time is still precious. We can still live to the fullest.” The words rolled off his tongue without him thinking about them first, as if he was mirroring a sentiment he had seen expressed somewhere else. But did he believe those words? His own life suggested the answer was no.

“We won’t push you to say anything you don’t want to. And we thank you for your time.” Except they did want any juicy detail that Josh could spare. “Just a few more questions then. Without revealing any important secrets, could you give us a small taste of what the League itself was feeling during those times? Were officials also experiencing the same sort of hopelessness, or was there some other outlook? How were these feelings expressed?”
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Dec 24, 2023 15:44:33 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
It was far worse than Yannick ever imagined. Josh had the answers at the time. He just couldn't give them to the public. With Rocket waiting in the weeds, no one outside the organization able to tell for certain the identity of every person on the inside, the League had to hold their plans fast until the very last moment. At the time, he disagreed with how the League handled it, but as he matured in his position as Mauville Gym Leader, he understoo the need for secrecy even if he did not like how the crisis was handled. Ultimately, it took divine intervention completely out of the League's hands to stop te meteoroid.

Even if he didn't have to answer to Hoenn's people, he had a large number of Pokémon to answer to, which was part of what committed him to his position as Gym Leader. His property was enormous, and his Gym's business model was reliant on the League's subsidy. Without their financial support, he would have to scale back his Gym substantially, letting go of both employees and Pokémon under his care. He loved every single one of them. He could not bear to let a single one of them go.

"Exactly," the Gym Leader nodded. "It's not like we can take our wealth with us past The Border and into paradise when the Great One calls our name."

There indeed were severe limits on what the Gym Leader could disclose about the Meteno operation, Josh having to do some mental gymnastics to adequately answer the reporter's question without violating internal agreements. "We had a plan backed up by our scientific knowledge. All our studies suggested our plan was viable and would work. All we could do was rely on our discoveries and our theories backed up by our knowledge. There were, of course, nerves about being wrong, but we were confident that it would work." Josh felt Mystic's fur stand on end as his vulpine steed faintly glowed a purple-pink, a tiny wave of EXTRASENSORY power pressuring his rider's brain. "Mystic, you okay?" he asked, turning his head away from the microphone.

{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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People, Big and Small [m]
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2024 1:03:24 GMT
Kazoom whirred and buzzed, floating slowly sideways to capture a cinematic shot. Zooming out, Josh and his magnificent beast was painted against the frozen wasteland of the Silent Icelands in the distance. Grace grinned and gave Yannick a thumbs up. They had the footage, she was saying. She had enough to stitch together the story in post-production.

A somber story it was, with the effects still lingering, leaving its mark on the entire region. The one highlight was the confidence that the gym leader had in the League’s approach in the days leading up to it. Yannick was glad that it seemed that some of those big people up there had a clue what was going on and had a handle of the situation. However the businessman could not staunch his cynicism and wondered if this retelling was painted to look better for the League. That being said, he had no place to question those on the front lines who, after all being said and done, had dragged Hoenn out of a cataclysm.

“That is fantastic. I know I speak for the people when I say how thankful we all are for the League’s response. For you and your colleagues to fight on our behalf is something we cannot repay.”

“Let’s wrap up by talking about the epilogue. How did it feel once it was all over for you and others? It must have been quite the relief.”

“And looking forward, what does the future look like? Are there any lessons that we can learn? Maybe we can prepare better for the seas ahead.”
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Jan 5, 2024 17:51:16 GMT
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Josh held his head for a few seconds before shaking it. What was that discharge? He might have to get Mystic checked out at a Pokémon Center soon. She rarely discharged psychic waves that strong without reason. Once he was feeling better, Josh faced forward again.

"First off, we were just happy to be alive. If we failed, everyone and every Pokémon in Hoenn was going to die. The cleanup afterward was such a mess. I can't imagine the financial burdens of people who spent money beyond their means in the days leading up to the meteor. We have to clean up after them, too."

There was a way for Hoenn to be better prepared. Ultimately, the League and Team Rocket had to cooperate to keep Hoenn from becoming a hunk of space debris. "This needless war needs to stop. If the League and Team Rocket cannot reach an armistice, then the next disaster will."

{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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People, Big and Small [m]
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2024 3:09:10 GMT
The war needed to stop. The final thought on the subject of the disaster. It was a poignant one, pointing toward the nature of our society. The Meteno event had issued a threat to our very survival. The gravity of the situation warped the time and space of Hoenn. And yet where were they now? Back to the same old friends and foes. Back to the monotony, back to the same old social issues. Back to the envy and callousness. The League and Rocket at each other’s necks and every other man and woman stuck in the middle, looking out for themselves. Josh was right. After all this, surely there was something better we could achieve together.

“I hope we can find that peace, one day. Thank you very much for your time today. And thank you to you and your colleagues for all that they have done during Meteno and going forward.”

“That’s a wrap! Good work gentlemen. Oh and you too Kazoom.” Grace called out to the rotom. Kazoom buzzed and bounced around, obviously happy with his job well done. The producer and the pokemon began packing up.

Yannick shivered. An unanticipated chill wind blowing in from the Icelands washed over them, like the route was reminding them of its presence. “You know, maybe there is something I can contribute. I can’t fight any sort of legendary beast but there has to be something.” He said it while pondering the conversation they just had. What exactly that something was, he still had to find.

“Where are you off to next, Mr Devlin?”

The Shula Region
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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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